The Pitfalls of DIY Conversion of Documents Into e-Learning Courses

Why Outsourcing Document Conversion is the Answer

The benefits of using e-learning for organizations in terms of skills development are well-established. Therefore, it’s not surprising that companies are starting to consider online learning to deliver other materials – like onboarding, compliance, or guideline documents – that have traditionally been presented in trusty Word, PDF, or PPT formats.

Convert documents into e-learning

Now, you’re probably thinking, “Sure, I can do that myself.” You already have your PPT, PDF, or DOCX files handy and ready to go, so surely you can just cut and paste your content into one of the many available online learning platforms?

But here’s where you need to take a step back and consider the reality of what this process really entails; because the conversion of PPT presentations and other documents into interactive e-learning courses is not as simple as you might imagine.

With so many LMS and e-learning platforms available, you’re spoiled for choice. But do you, as a CEO, HR manager, team leader, or even director of Learning and Development, know what the best platform is to showcase your content? Is learning how to navigate e-learning software the best use of your time and skills? Because, despite the promotional material advertising these learning platforms as “easy-to-use,” one needs only to glance at e-learning product message boards to see the frustration of new users.

Trying to get to grips with the multitude of functions, layouts, and settings of these programs is not something you can achieve overnight. Additionally, you’ll also need to consider how to present your content in an engaging and dynamic manner. Are you familiar with the best way to divide information in a way that’s conducive to active learning? Are you skilled at writing assessment questions? Do you know how to responsibly source imagery or understand the way in which graphics impact the learning experience?

Convert from flat documents to interactive e-learning

Leave it to the professionals

Common sense dictates that some tasks are best left to the professionals. Here at Laragh Courseware, we offer a cost-effective service aimed specifically at meeting this need, e-Learning Convert.

With decades of experience in the e-learning industry, our e-Learning Convert service team can seamlessly convert your PPT, PDF, and DOCX documents into engaging and interactive online courses – saving you time and effort.

If you’re worried about the integrity of your content, you can rest easy. We understand that you’ve put a lot of time and effort into the content of your SOPs, onboarding material, compliance guidelines, and other company documentation, and respect that you are the authority on your source material. Our service does not involve altering your content, but rather converting its method of delivery into an interactive and engaging online learning experience.

Now you can make that switch from static PowerPoint, Word, and PDF documents to interactive e-learning, while avoiding the pitfalls and frustrations of an unfamiliar conversion process.

Hurdles to e-Learning

Why many organizations have not made the change to e-learning – yet

Make the switch: Convert from static documentation to e-learning content

It would seem obvious that documents whose contents need to be understood by staff, for legal compliance or efficient operation, should already be converted to trackable e-learning courses. Why, then, do so many organizations persist in using Word, PPT, and PDF formats to present their valuable content?

Pitfalls to embracing e-learning

Cast your mind to your company’s document repository. Likely you have hundreds, if not thousands, of documents – from SOPs to compliance and regulatory documents, employee agreements, and company policies, not to mention existing training and development material – that have accumulated over the years and that you know would be more practical in the form of e-learning courses that are accessible, engaging, and trackable. At the same time, you shudder at the thought of navigating the e-learning process. After all, the normal custom development cycle for developing e-learning courses can take many months and cost quite a lot. And then there’s the concern that in development, information would not be translated as you wish. These are some of the key reasons e-learning has been largely reserved for a small percentage of the market – mainly, those organizations interested in high-end training in business skills and legal compliance. Until now.

Convert tiresome documents into engaging online content

A new conversion service

Recently, companies such as Laragh have reimagined the e-learning process and derived handy, cost-effective, and time-efficient ways of converting existing company documents (whether in DOCX, PPT, or PDF files) into e-learning. Through services such as e-Learning Convert, it is now possible to create engaging and interactive e-learning courses that are based purely on your existing source material, provided it’s in Word, PowerPoint, or PDF format. The quick and efficient conversion process ensures that you are spared the frustration that is often associated with developing e-learning content from scratch. What’s more, e-Learning Convert offers complete data integrity, which ensures that your carefully crafted documents are not altered during the process. It’s peace of mind at its best.

The conversion process is simple: send us your source material – in DOCX, PPT, or PDF format – and we’ll send you an e-learning course. It is quick, cost-effective – and works.

Embrace Efficient Solutions to Your e-Learning Needs

Document Conversion Made Easy with e-Learning Convert

If It’s Not Broken, Don’t Fix it

One of the main obstacles to e-learning is the hefty time and cost implications of creating and developing courseware from scratch – from concept development to course design and finally implementation and use, even a beginner course requires great effort and expertise.

Certainly, for many organizations, the idea of a lengthy e-learning development process – no matter the benefits – can be daunting. The outlook changes, however, if you have existing Word, PowerPoint, and PDF documents that have already been crafted, curated, and ready to go. If this is the case, it naturally won’t be feasible to expend a large amount of time and money re-writing content that already suits your needs. After all, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it!

Enter document conversion

Fortunately, there are e-learning companies such as Laragh that recognize the need for organizations to be able to quickly convert existing source material (gather your DOCX, PPT, and PDF files!) into engaging, interactive e-learning courses that can be tracked and routinely updated with ease. Offering services like e-Learning Convert that are readily available, it’s possible to transform your trusty (and likely dusty!) Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and PDF files into intuitive, accessible e-learning courses that will be professionally designed by a team of skilled and experienced learning designers.

Your ready-made content is bursting for a new lease on life – e-Learning Convert promises to deliver.

Converting SOPs to e-Learning

Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are essential to the functioning of many enterprises. Some organizations – for example, in the pharma sector – have thousands of them floating around with employees receiving constant reminders of an ever-updating list of documents and PDFs that they must make themselves familiar with.

SOPs are written and promulgated to regulate and control processes. Yet, even in the largest enterprises, they represent a vulnerability – they come in so many shapes and sizes, via multiple media, that the control of their uptake is patchy at best. Some high-visibility SOPs already get converted to conventional full-blown e-learning.

But more than 80% remain in static or semi-static documents, PDFs, and PowerPoints. Yet, by definition, this is mission-critical information. It is essential that the relevant staff come to know the information that is in an SOP – otherwise it would not be in an SOP.

Everyone who creates an SOP would like better ways of transmitting the vital information it contains. Everyone would like to know that learners have engaged with the content and taken it on board. Everyone would like better ways of verifying this. Most organizations know that even when a PDF is uploaded into a learning management system (LMS) and laid out in attractively designed pages, learners struggle to get through the information, and only minimal shell-level tracking occurs. Timed PowerPoints are only marginally better. You cannot see which sections learners are struggling with or encourage them to interact with the material in a tangible way. Most organizations know that converting their SOP to an e-learning module would help resolve these problems. But until now, there has been no easy way to do this.

Addressing the obstacles to converting SOPs into e-learning

The main reasons more SOPs are not converted into e-learning courses that would assure engagement and knowledge transfer are:

  • Cost: It is traditionally quite expensive to commission an e-learning company to custom-build your content.
  • Time: Generally, when the need for a new SOP becomes apparent, you want it done in days, not in months.
  • Revisions: Some SOPs need to be revised every few months. It is not practicable to do this with a traditional custom-built e-learning module.
  • Organizational obstacles: There will be no enterprise-wide program of conversion because SOPs are found in multiple formats on multiple platforms, and are owned by people from a wide array of job functions. So, the individual SOP creator cannot wait for a company-wide initiative to roll out new information.

Using e-Learning Convert makes the conversion of SOPs into e-learning that much easier

Recognizing the real need for organizations to make their SOPs more accessible to employees, Laragh set up e-Learning Convert, a service offering designed to address this problem. e-Learning Convert is not aimed at getting enterprises signed up for a multiyear custom e-learning contract. It is aimed at helping learning managers and process owners within large or small organizations address a local conversion need quickly and cost-effectively.

We save on cost by streamlining the process and restricting the course layout to one of three formats that have been designed to address almost any need. Each conversion is supervised by experienced instructional designers, which ensures that the product’s cost-effectiveness does not sacrifice quality.

We save on time by streamlining the process. For this service, our assumption is that the creator of the SOP knows exactly what the course needs to communicate. We do not enter into a recursive series of development steps with you as we would when building e-learning from scratch. We simply convert what you have created into e-learning. We provide a clear and quick mechanism for revisions. Where the SOP we have converted to e-learning is subject to amendments, we offer a quick and reasonably priced revision service.

Because the e-Learning Convert service is modular, it means you do not have to wait for organization-wide changes in how SOPs and other information transfer is handled. You can do the best for the learners local to you. With a range of course file formats available, you can load the course on whatever platform is currently available to you. And because the cost is low, you can give the conversion service a test-drive without waiting for strategic direction changes.

Increasing Employee Engagement Through e-Learning

e-Learning tools, when utilized correctly, allow organizations to present document conversion and training and development opportunities that are engaging, interactive, and fun for employees.

The battle for engagement

It is no secret that many organizations struggle to engage and motivate their employees. However, research shows that organizations that take an interest in their employees’ growth and development remain poised for success. From reducing employee turnover to increasing productivity levels, organizations that strive to engage their employees can reap the results of a dedicated workforce.

No surprise then, that employee engagement is the new catchphrase for enterprises interested in retaining existing talent and attracting new hires. But working to engage employees and extend the employee lifecycle is easier said than done. According to Gallup, organizational leaders must aim to provide proper training, tools, and resources to help employees upskill and advance in their careers – while keeping them engaged and motivated.

e-Learning is key

The global media company, Forbes, believes that e-learning is key to promoting employee growth and development. In fact, research shows that the global e-learning market is expected to grow by $38 billion by 2024. Certainly, a good reason to embrace e-learning as your choice for employee training and development! Promising robust content and an individual learning experience, all wrapped up in the latest technologies, e-learning is fast proving itself to be the leading choice for organizations that are seeking to up their training and development offerings.

Conversion to online content retains talent and attracts new hires

A seamless transition

Yet, even though the e-learning industry is so well-established, many organizations are reluctant to make the leap and turn to e-learning as a way to disseminate information to employees. It is up to e-learning companies to step in and make the transition seamless. Understanding their customers, they know that one of the most common requests is for existing documentation and training – from standard operating procedures (SOPs) wrapped up in tidy PowerPoint presentations to employee rules and regulations tidily packaged into a PDF – to be converted quickly and effectively into engaging e-learning courses. Offering a cost-effective service like e-Learning Convert, Laragh is well-placed to help you transform your staid PowerPoint presentations and Word/PDF documents into animated and interactive e-learning courses that appeal to your employees.

A rewarding learning process

e-Learning tools, when utilized correctly, allow organizations to present document conversion and training and development courses that are engaging, interactive, and fun for employees. Combined with relevant learning material and the employee’s work experience, the result is an attractive learning process that is designed to capture your employees’ interest and support their e-learning journey. Undoubtedly, e-learning conversion services – as offered by Laragh – provides a unique and rewarding learning experience for employees who are motivated to improve themselves and strive for organizational success.