Hurdles to e-Learning

Why many organizations have not made the change to e-learning – yet

Make the switch: Convert from static documentation to e-learning content

It would seem obvious that documents whose contents need to be understood by staff, for legal compliance or efficient operation, should already be converted to trackable e-learning courses. Why, then, do so many organizations persist in using Word, PPT, and PDF formats to present their valuable content?

Pitfalls to embracing e-learning

Cast your mind to your company’s document repository. Likely you have hundreds, if not thousands, of documents – from SOPs to compliance and regulatory documents, employee agreements, and company policies, not to mention existing training and development material – that have accumulated over the years and that you know would be more practical in the form of e-learning courses that are accessible, engaging, and trackable. At the same time, you shudder at the thought of navigating the e-learning process. After all, the normal custom development cycle for developing e-learning courses can take many months and cost quite a lot. And then there’s the concern that in development, information would not be translated as you wish. These are some of the key reasons e-learning has been largely reserved for a small percentage of the market – mainly, those organizations interested in high-end training in business skills and legal compliance. Until now.

Convert tiresome documents into engaging online content

A new conversion service

Recently, companies such as Laragh have reimagined the e-learning process and derived handy, cost-effective, and time-efficient ways of converting existing company documents (whether in DOCX, PPT, or PDF files) into e-learning. Through services such as e-Learning Convert, it is now possible to create engaging and interactive e-learning courses that are based purely on your existing source material, provided it’s in Word, PowerPoint, or PDF format. The quick and efficient conversion process ensures that you are spared the frustration that is often associated with developing e-learning content from scratch. What’s more, e-Learning Convert offers complete data integrity, which ensures that your carefully crafted documents are not altered during the process. It’s peace of mind at its best.

The conversion process is simple: send us your source material – in DOCX, PPT, or PDF format – and we’ll send you an e-learning course. It is quick, cost-effective – and works.

Increasing Employee Engagement Through e-Learning

e-Learning tools, when utilized correctly, allow organizations to present document conversion and training and development opportunities that are engaging, interactive, and fun for employees.

The battle for engagement

It is no secret that many organizations struggle to engage and motivate their employees. However, research shows that organizations that take an interest in their employees’ growth and development remain poised for success. From reducing employee turnover to increasing productivity levels, organizations that strive to engage their employees can reap the results of a dedicated workforce.

No surprise then, that employee engagement is the new catchphrase for enterprises interested in retaining existing talent and attracting new hires. But working to engage employees and extend the employee lifecycle is easier said than done. According to Gallup, organizational leaders must aim to provide proper training, tools, and resources to help employees upskill and advance in their careers – while keeping them engaged and motivated.

e-Learning is key

The global media company, Forbes, believes that e-learning is key to promoting employee growth and development. In fact, research shows that the global e-learning market is expected to grow by $38 billion by 2024. Certainly, a good reason to embrace e-learning as your choice for employee training and development! Promising robust content and an individual learning experience, all wrapped up in the latest technologies, e-learning is fast proving itself to be the leading choice for organizations that are seeking to up their training and development offerings.

Conversion to online content retains talent and attracts new hires

A seamless transition

Yet, even though the e-learning industry is so well-established, many organizations are reluctant to make the leap and turn to e-learning as a way to disseminate information to employees. It is up to e-learning companies to step in and make the transition seamless. Understanding their customers, they know that one of the most common requests is for existing documentation and training – from standard operating procedures (SOPs) wrapped up in tidy PowerPoint presentations to employee rules and regulations tidily packaged into a PDF – to be converted quickly and effectively into engaging e-learning courses. Offering a cost-effective service like e-Learning Convert, Laragh is well-placed to help you transform your staid PowerPoint presentations and Word/PDF documents into animated and interactive e-learning courses that appeal to your employees.

A rewarding learning process

e-Learning tools, when utilized correctly, allow organizations to present document conversion and training and development courses that are engaging, interactive, and fun for employees. Combined with relevant learning material and the employee’s work experience, the result is an attractive learning process that is designed to capture your employees’ interest and support their e-learning journey. Undoubtedly, e-learning conversion services – as offered by Laragh – provides a unique and rewarding learning experience for employees who are motivated to improve themselves and strive for organizational success.